Ladycross Infant and Nursery School

The Lime Trees  Wraparound Childcare Service

Ladycross breakfast and after school club is run on site by The Lime Trees

It is available to every child who attends Ladycross Infant and Nursery School.

To find out more about The Lime Trees   Click here

 Breakfast club

  • 7.30am - 8.50am Monday - Friday
  • £5.45 per child per session
  • The children have access to a wide range of activities, have their breakfast and take part in group games. They help to prepare their own breakfast, having cereals, toast and fruit.
  • At 8.50, the staff take the children to their classrooms ready for the start of school.

After School club

  • 3:30pm - 6pm Monday - Friday
  • £9.70 per child per session
  • The children chose the activities, help to make their own tea and clear away their pots in the kitchen, play outdoors and group games in the hall. 

Staff involve the children in their own learning as they plan the activities they want to do. So far, they have been exploring in the garden, building models and dens and many other interests.

Staff take note of the children’s learning and will inform school staff about achievements.

Staff hold relevant qualifications and hold certificates in safeguarding, first aid and food preparation. They work as a team to make sure  the club runs smoothly and the children learn and have fun.

Victoria Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG10 5JD