Ladycross Infant and Nursery School

 Upcoming events:

 27/11/23 - INSET day

7/12/23 - Christmas jumper day 

15/12/23 - Christmas dinner day 

19/12/23 - Y2 Carols at the church - PM

20/12/23 - Y2 Christingle (Parents welcome) - PM

21/12/23 - Christmas party day 

22/12/23 - Last day of term 

Autumn 2

How are other people's lives different to mine?

In maths this term we will be continuing work on addition and subtraction.  We will then move on to learning about properties of shapes, looking at both 2D and 3D shapes.
In our writing lessons we will be focussing on non-fiction texts.  We will write a biography about an inspirational person in Black History and then move onto write a non-chronological report about toys from the past.
In phonics we will be focussing on the different ways the sounds /w/, /f/, /oo/ /y+oo/, /ar/ can be made. We will also be learning about possessive apostrophes and suffixes.
In science we will investigating the question- How am I the same as my friend?  
In history we will be exploring how life was different for our grandparents. We will be looking in more detail at life in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.  During this term we will also visit Sudbury Hall to learn more about toys in the past.
In design and technology we will be deigning, making and evaluating our own chair for baby bear.
In RE we will be exploring the question -Who is a Christian and what do they believe?.  We will also be visiting the church at Christmas time.
In computing we will be studying photography.  We will be learning how to take photographs and then editing them using simple tools on PicCollage.
Our PE focus this term will be dance and we will be learning two dances- one based on the Gunpowder Plot and one about toys.
In our PSHE lessons this term we will be learning about economic well-being.

In our music lessons we will be learning a song, playing tuned percussion, adding sound effects, experimenting with timbre and dynamics and using letter notation to write a melody.

Victoria Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG10 5JD