Ladycross Infant and Nursery School

Spring 1

What is exciting about London and other capital cities?


In maths we learning all about money.  In this unit we will count coins and notes, compare different amounts of money, find different ways of making the same amount and working out the amount of change.
In writing this half term we will continue to use The Write Stuff approach. We will start the term by using the story 'Stardust' and then move onto a poetry unit based on the poem 'Desk Diddler'.
In phonics we will be focussing on the different ways the sounds /or/, /ur/, /ou/ /oi/, /eer/ can be made. We will also be focussing on learning spelling rules for contractions and the suffixes /er/. /est/. /ing/, /ed/.  
In science we will be learning about which materials we can see around us.  We will be learning about the different properties of materials and how this makes a material suitable for a particular job.  We will also look at how objects can be changed in shape by bending, stretching, squashing and twisting. 
In geography we will be learning how London is different to other capital cities. We will start by learning the names of the countries and capital cities around the UK and the surrounding seas.  The skills we will work on including using directional language to describe a location. We will also create own maps and symbols.

In Design and Technology we will be designing, labelling, testing and adapting our own designs to make a model of The London Eye. 


In computing we will be learning about augmented reality. We will use the app ARMakr and we will learn how how to bring objects into our surroundings using augmented reality.
In RE we will be learning about who is Jewish and we will be finding out more about what Jewish people believe.
In PE this term will be learning dance and gymnastics. In our dance lessons children will dance on their own, with partners and in groups.  In gymnastics children will roll in different ways, jump from a springboard and learn to complete a handstand. 
In PSHE we will be learning about safety and the changing body.
In music we will be learning about music of the British Isles.  We will create music of our own and compose a piece of music as part of a group.

Victoria Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG10 5JD