Ladycross Infant and Nursery School

Autumn 1

What does it mean to belong?


During this term we will be investigating what it means to be belong, specifically belonging to the Ladycross family.

12.09.23 -  Meet the Teacher meeting - 3.30pm-4pm

12.10.23 - Parental engagement - stay and read/phonics lesson.

w/c 23.10.23 - Parents Evening


In maths we will be focussing on numbers to 10. We will be discussing place value and will also start to add and subtract numbers to 10.
This half term we will be thinking about ourselves and will be writing all about ourselves. We will also be looking at the book I'm Sticking With You Too, by Smriti Halls

In phonics we will be consolidating what we know about the sounds/a_e/ and  /e_e/. We will also be learning about what sounds can be made by /igh/, /oa/and /ee/. We will focussing on the following  common exception words: Some, one, said, come, do, so, were, when, have, there, out, like, little, what, Mr, looked, Mrs, people.

In science we will be learning about what is wonderful about each of us. We will be exploring our senses and starting to look at seasonal changes. We will also plant some bulbs ready for some science about growing next year.

In geography we will be investigating what a map is and how to make one as well as understanding what a bird's eye view is.

In art, we will be learning all about colour. This includes how to make different colours and we will also be learning about different paint techniques.  We will be looking at the work of Clarice Cliff and Jasper Johns.

In RE we will be learning about what does it mean to belong to a faith community?

In ICT we will be learning how to take photos and save our work into files using Seesaw. We will also learn how to use the programme PicCollage to record our learning.

In P.E. will be practising our throwing and catching skills as well as learning some yoga moves.

In PSHE we will be learning all about families and what makes a good friend.

In music we are going to be learning all about pulse and rhythm. This will include learning copy different rhythms and play in time to music. 

Victoria Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG10 5JD